Educational Series 1

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The Goompi Model

Chris explains The Goompi Model which supports the teaching and learning of mathematics for students while also supporting their cultural identity. It connects mathematics with culture.

What is Mathematics


Chris explains how understanding the role cultural bias plays within mathematics gives you an opportunity to teach maths differently. The aim is to help you incorporate the diverse strengths and learning styles of your students to make maths more relevant, which is ultimately what creates an effective maths classroom.

What is Culture


Chris explains, when you teach from different cultural perspectives, it allows you to ‘open up the classroom’ and encourage students to consider how their own cultural lenses affect how they approach mathematics. He also demonstrates the knock-on effects cultural influences can have on maths education.

Cultural Perspectives in Maths


Chris defines what culture means to him and explains why it’s important to embrace different cultural perspectives in maths education.

Indigenous Perspectives in Maths


Chris explores the connections between mathematics and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures.

Maths as Storytelling


Chris looks at the process of Maths as Storytelling.

Linear Equations


Chris explores a way of transforming the teaching and learning of linear equations using The Goompi Model. This approach allows students to create their own growing patterns for a given linear equation.

Sine Waves


Chris briefly explores the purpose of Aboriginal kinship systems and connects this to the teaching and learning of trigonometry.